Preparing for Kambo
Do not have anything to eat for a minimum of 10-12 hours before taking Kambo
Preparing for a Kambô Treatment
Do not have anything to eat for a minimum of 10-12 hours before taking Kambo.
As you prepare for a Kambô ceremony, it's important to consider your intentions for the session and reflect on why you feel called to participate. Think about what you hope to release and what you hope to gain, and consider whether your reasons for participating are primarily physical, emotional, mental, energetic or spiritual in nature. The frog is the great revealer, it can uproot any unprocessed issues that have been buried within.
Make sure to set aside 2 to 3 hours for the ceremony itself and recovery time. If possible, try to have the rest of the day free from work or other stressful obligations, as it's important to allow yourself time to rest and integrate afterwards. If you do need to work or attend to other tasks, be sure to schedule at least 3-4 hours for rest and integration. Remember, this process is not mind altering and you will be able to drive after a short rest.
In terms of attire, wear comfortable clothing that you can move in easily. Sleeveless shirts are preferable as it will make it easier to apply the medicine. As the experience may cause changes in body temperature, it's a good idea to have a blanket, sweater or long-sleeved shirt on hand in case you feel cold afterwards.
How to prepare for a Kambô ceremony treatment:
Do not eat any food 12 hours before Kambô. It’s important to fast for these 12 hours immediately prior to a Kambô treatment to ensure the stomach is empty.
Do not drink coffee on the morning of your treatment. Caffeine stimulates the system.
You may drink a hot tea on the morning of your Kambô treatment, and sip on small amounts of water. Do not add honey. This can disturb your electrolyte balance.
Stop all fluid intake 2 hours prior to your Kambô treatment.
You can not consume alcohol, medications, or recreational drugs for 48 hours before or after the ceremony. Be transparent about any medications or drugs you may be taking, as some may require even more time before or after the ceremony.
Avoid cannabis use the morning of and if possible the night before the treatment.
It's important to drink only water the morning of your Kambo ceremony and avoid supplements for at least 48 hours before and after to prevent interactions.
If you have recently gotten a tattoo, wait two weeks before receiving Kambo and avoid getting tattoos for a month after.
If you have a scheduled surgery, wait one month before or after Kambo as it can interfere with inflammation and anesthesia. Purging can compromise the stitches as well.
Do not attempt any sort of water or dry fast 7 days before/after Kambô.
Do not begin any colonics, enemas, water based detox, liver flushes, or sweat lodge 3 days before/after Kambô.
It is suggested to eat clean and light the day before a ceremony. Fresh steamed veggies, soups, fruits, quinoa, legumes, avocados and avoid very spicy foods. Avoid excessive salt and sugar, very oily, processed, or fatty foods, meat, chicken or fish the day of treatment and a few days after.
Best to have a clear intention and inner reason for your ceremony. What are you looking to heal? What are you looking to get rid of? What is no longer serving you?
If you are unsure about any of the preparation protocols, or have questions or concerns, please get in touch and ask prior to ceremony.
What should you bring to a Kambô treatment?
Loose, comfortable, non-restrictive clothing.
A blanket, shawl, or something warm for resting afterwards.
A Hair clip band or elastic to tie up long hair. Contact lens’s should be removed.
People with asthma should bring their inhaler with them (as a precautionary measure).
Bring a pen and a notebook, if you wish for jotting down notes afterwards.
A willingness and trust the Great Kambô process!
Additional information and answers can be found in Kambo FAQ’s.